July 11th, 2022

equipment by

From PPE to ATEX certification - there are no concessions when it comes to workplace safety. Especially where the danger is greatest: in areas with a high risk of explosion.

But what actually is ATEX?

The ATEX directives ensure high safety standards for explosion protection: basic health and safety requirements are defined for equipment used in potentially explosive environments. The concept itself is simple: inhibitive measures prevent an atmosphere capable of ignition (primary explosion protection) and ignition sources are avoided (secondary explosion protection). If something should still go wrong, the consequences of a potential explosion are minimized due to special machine design (tertiary explosion protection).

This is where Fezer's equipment with ATEX certification comes into play, because it is cleverly designed so that it can be used in potentially explosive atmospheres without any issues whatsoever. This takes productivity and safety levels to a new level for employees, as they can continue to work as efficiently as usual without compromising on their safety and well-being

ATEX-certified machines from FEZER — so nothing burns when so much work is being done "that sparks fly."

Fezer's VacuPowerlift sets standards in effectiveness and comfort - every day. To meet the high demands of the industry, we have brought our equipment to next-level safety.

Area of application:
For years we have been using our tube lifters, among others of the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industry in two different stainless steel versions. But sometimes there still has to be done more. Therefore, we offer even more – “to simply move more”.

With special vacuum generators, hoses, filters and much more and a concentrated load of know-how, we at Fezer provide the "all-round carefree" package. We go one step further and are now able to attach certified systems to explosion protection areas.

ATEX flyer

As always, a variety of different suction pads are available for our ATEX units to support you in all process requirements. All of them are made of stainless steel and are ATEX-compliant.

Sounds exciting? You can find all technical dataand more in our Atex Flyer


Haben auch Sie eine Produktanforderung, welcher bisher kein Anbieter gerecht werden konnte? Möchten auch Sie Produkte, die perfekt auf Ihre Arbeitsprozesse zugeschnitten sind und Ihre Produktionsprozesse nicht nur effizienter, sondern auch sicherer machen?

Dann vereinbaren Sie einen unverbindlichen Ersttermin oder besuchen Sie uns in unserem schönen Neubau in Altbach und lassen Sie sich mit einer Vorführung vor Ort selbst davon überzeugen.

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Copyright 2025 Albert Fezer Maschinenfabrik GmbH.

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Hall 7, Booth B34

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